We received 3.93405 BTC as rewards.
We introduced a distribution flow in BTC on individual requests. The BTC rewards were split proportionally.
For cycle 88, we used
1.26577632 BTC for BTC distribution and
2.66827367 BTC for STX distribution.
There are many dust rewards of 200 sats. We ignore these utxos because consolidating them is more expensive then their value. That means that a few sats will rest in the pox reward address. For this cycle, there were 76,400 sats left in the wallet after reward distribution. This is something to keep in mind when doing accounting.
This cycle, the Liquid Stacking service LISA with FAST Pool as part of Lisa’s backend delegated 1,360,000 STX to Fast Pool. Lisa used 4 smart contract as pool members. The share of Lisa was 5.629643% of the STX part of the pool.
The rewards were distributed with the normal distribution flow:
4,996.265914 STX: https://explorer.hiro.so/txid/0x91eed00e8417fe649b14c5bc9ae5016b4dc22d0f42dd357e9678a839d0547035?chain=mainnet
We encourage pool members to check out the documentation and learn more about liquid stacking at https://docs.lisalab.io/
After 1 week, we consolidated the rewards until then, a total of 3.03631890 BTC.
At the end, we consolidated the remaining rewards of 0.89214024 BTC and distributed 1.20248750 BTC to pool members who registered for BTC rewards and 0.06328881 BTC to the Fast Pool reserve. The remaining 2.66266362 BTC were swapped to 92,447.120327 STX.
3.03631890 to proxy (after 1 week): https://mempool.space/tx/04d042cecbf2ae8fc752bf68b97f3b0f9059df9b8c4f048906dcc1e023537618
0.89214024 to proxy (after the end of the cycle): https://mempool.space/tx/65573e0dee0ad782d06812eb36859a3045b69c96618b1ca5a4cf5209bc156b89
The following swaps were executed via simpleswap.io and one swap via xlink and alex swap:
0.5 BTC to 17,343.5568 STX:
0.5 BTC to 0.5 aBTC to 17,115.758527 STX (xlink and alex swap):
0.5 BTC to 17,486.2 STX:
0.5 BTC to 17,466.7043 STX:
0.66262695 BTC to 23,034.9007 STX:
A total of 88,749.235215 STX were distributed to 582 pool members and 4 contracts. The distribution was based on 24,157,833.532583 STX stacked to receive STX rewards.
A total of 1.20248750 BTC were distributed to 1 pool member from the proxy btc address. The distribution was based on 11,459,999 STX stacked to receive BTC rewards.
If all BTC rewards were distributed as STX rewards the total would have been 130,850.119637 STX based on 35,617,832.532583 STX stacked.
This year, the Nakamoto hard fork will bring sBTC. This means that we will wrap BTC to sBTC, then exchange to STX and distribute.
However, stackers need to do more work eventually, run stacks and a signer node. We successfully started to be signer for Stacks 2.5 and are registered since cycle #84 as signer.
For cycle #88, we transferred 3,697.884813 STX from STX distribution and 0.06328881 BTC from BTC distribution to the reserve (see above). That is a around than 4.5% of the theoretical total STX rewards after converting BTC to STX at the exchange rate of 2880 sats/stx (2,66,266,362 sats / 92,447.120327 STX).
Swapping using simpleswap is not as transparent as using aBTC via Xlink bridge. Therefore, here is a screenshot with the exchange ids: