
Cycle #83

We received 5.44506600 BTC as rewards.

Delay in Rewards distribution

This cycle we received inscriptions with the rewards. This resulted in change of the distribution flow. See section about aBTC and sBTC below.

Liquid Stacking With LISA

This cycle, the Liquid Stacking service LISA with FAST Pool as part of Lisa’s backend delegated 2,737,552.746444 STX to Fast Pool. Lisa used 5 smart contract as pool members (similar to city coin pool members). Rewards were distributed in aBTC in a single send-many transaction for Lisa pool members.

The share of Lisa was 5.637994% of the pool. The rewards were distributed with the normal distribution flow:

We encourage pool members to check out the documenation and learn more about liquid stacking at

Dust transactions

There are many dust rewards of 200 sats and 550 sats. We ignore these utxos because consolidating them is more expensive then their value. That means that a few sats will rest in the pox reward address. For this cycle, there were 79,700 sats left in the wallet after reward distribution. This is something to keep in mind when doing accounting.

Consolidation Part 1

After 1 week, we consolidated, wrapped and swapped to 84,401.967806 STX

Consolidation Part 2

At the end of the cycle, we consolidated, wrapped and swapped

Total Rewards

Due to the delay, the share from consolidation 1, that is around 3/5 part of rewards (34,878.281989 STX), were distributed in a first batch to 1349 pool members:

After xBTC were finally wrapped and swapped to STX, the rewards (5/5) for CityCoin contracts (76,964.676916 STX) and Lisa contracts (8,181.427404) and the remaining 2/5 rewards for pool members (25,087.970927 STX) were distributed.

A total of 145,112.357236 STX were distributed to 1349 pool members and 7 contracts. The distribution was based on 48,555,431.245106 STX.

Preparing for Nakamoto Release (5% reserve)

This year, the Nakamoto hard fork will bring sBTC. This means that we will replace aBTC with sBTC. The flow will be similar: wrapping to sBTC, then exchanging to STX and distributing.

However, stackers need to do more work eventually, run stacks and a signer node. We successfully started to be signer for Stacks 2.5 and are registered for cycle #84 as signer.

For cycle #83, we sent 0.27 aBTC to the reserve. That is a little less than 5% of the consolidated BTC rewards.

Wrapping using aBTC and xBTC

The first rewards were wrapped from BTC to STX via aBTC. This worked quite well and fast. It is transparent and minting aBTC happens automagically. You can read more about aBTC at

The remaining rewards were wrapped from BTC to STX via xBTC. The reason to use xBTC was that we received inscriptions with the rewards this cycle. As the aBTC bridge requires to use an browser extension and as the extension hides Bitcoin UTXOs with inscriptions we were not able to use the aBTC bridge. Instead we used xBTC from a Bitcoin core wallet.