For cycle #60, we had 370 reward slots of which 348 were filled.
We received 2.256078 BTC, that were wrapped, swapped and distributed in two parts:
1 BTC (+ 0.005215 BTC transaction fees) into 0.998 xBTC.
0.998 xBTC into 40,305.003364 STX.
10,064.081239 STX were distributed to all pool members but the two City Coin treasuries on June, 8th 2023.
1.24456300 (+ 0.00673415 BTC transaction fees; 0,00043415 BTC taken from rewards of cycle #61 due to replace-by-fee) into 1.24207388 xBTC.
0.08068085 BTC were sent to the pools change address.
15,174.694632 STX were distributed to all pool members but the two City Coin treasuries on June, 14th 2023.
City coin treasuries have received 75,838.403112 STX on June 14th 2023.
For cycle 60, 33.3m STX were earning rewards, while 34.2m STX were locked. This is due to the prepare phase of 100 blocks. We should aim to have all STX locked BEFORE the prepare phase of the cycle, that is the bitcoin height shown on stacking.club.
If the STX were locked earlier, we might have received 10 more slots.
In total, 101,077.179130 STX were distributed. That is 0.29% of the total stacked STX of FAST pool (including the STX that were locked too late).