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Rewards Cycle #104

Fast Pool

We received 1.55890249 BTC as stacking rewards.

Payout in STX and BTC

The BTC rewards were split proportionally to pool members registered for rewards in STX, the default, and for rewards in BTC. For cycle , we used

Total Rewards

We distributed a total of 124,718.952919 STX to 816 pool members based on a total amount of 42,982,102.564259 stacked STX.

We distributed a total of 0.31385535 BTC to 1 pool member based on 11,482,001.000000 stacked STX.

This corresponds to 158,035.684290 STX rewards or 0.29% of the total 54,464,103.564259 stacked STX.

Consolidation and Swapping

We consolidated the rewards address continuously and transferred a total of 1.50077577 BTC to the proxy address and miner address.

We distributed 0.31385535 BTC to pool members who registered for BTC rewards and 0.07015061 BTC to the Fast Pool reserve (fees for all pool members, 4.5%).

The total of 0.98925703 BTC was used by the miner to converted to STX. We bid for 652 blocks between block 885135 and 886014. We received 103,716.256362 STX as rewards.

The remaining BTC and some utxos from the miner (0.00105032 BTC), in total 0.17124592 BTC were swapped to 21,002.697275 STX in 1 transactions using simpleswap.

Transactions for Fast Pool v1:

Transactions for Fast Pool v2:

Transactions to and from proxy address:

Compensation as Stacks Signer after Nakamoto Release (4.8% reserve)

For cycle #104, we transferred 0.07015061 BTC from BTC distribution to the reserve (see above). The total corresponds to 7,534.974221 STX or around 4.8% of the theoretical total STX rewards after converting BTC to STX at the exchange rate of 931 sats/stx (116155327 sats / 124,718.952919 STX).

Swapping using Simpleswap

A screenshot of simpleswaps is shown below.

Simpleswap cycle 104