We received 3.06197999 BTC as stacking rewards.
We distributed a total of 148,755.888663 STX to 789 pool members based on a total amount of 41,044,492.361310 stacked STX.
We distributed a total of 0.63586529 BTC to 1 pool member based on 11,482,001.000000 stacked STX.
This corresponds to 190,369.639618 STX rewards or 0.36% of the total 52,526,493.361310 stacked STX.
We used all BTC stacking rewards available for STX distribution after fees to mine STX. We mined X blocks and received 148,755.88906 STX as rewards.
We received 0.06350000 BTC as stacking rewards.
We distributed a total of 4,067.245424 STX to 5 pool members based on a total amount of 1,122,227.920213 stacked STX.
This corresponds to 0.36% of the total stacked STX.
At the end of the cycle, we consolidated the rewards of 0.06350000 BTC.
0. 06341953 BTC to proxy:
We swapped the BTC rewards in 1 transaction using simpleswap.
0.06341621 BTC swapped to 3,463.951144 STX:
A screenshot of simpleswap is shown below.