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Rewards Cycle #100

Fast Pool

We received 3.06197999 BTC as stacking rewards.

Payout in STX and BTC

The BTC rewards were split proportionally to pool members registered for rewards in STX, the default, and for rewards in BTC. For cycle 100, we used

Total Rewards

We distributed a total of 148,755.888663 STX to 789 pool members based on a total amount of 41,044,492.361310 stacked STX.

We distributed a total of 0.63586529 BTC to 1 pool member based on 11,482,001.000000 stacked STX.

This corresponds to 190,369.639618 STX rewards or 0.36% of the total 52,526,493.361310 stacked STX.

Consolidation and Swapping

We used all BTC stacking rewards available for STX distribution after fees to mine STX. We mined X blocks and received 148,755.88906 STX as rewards.

Multi Pool

We received 0.06350000 BTC as stacking rewards.

Total Rewards

We distributed a total of 4,067.245424 STX to 5 pool members based on a total amount of 1,122,227.920213 stacked STX.

This corresponds to 0.36% of the total stacked STX.

Consolidation and Swapping

At the end of the cycle, we consolidated the rewards of 0.06350000 BTC.

We swapped the BTC rewards in 1 transaction using simpleswap.

A screenshot of simpleswap is shown below.

Simpleswap cycle 100